Samsung News

Samsung News Launched in February 2023. It's a new way for users to engage with the world, tailored to their preferences and lifestyles.


In 2022, I was part of the team that launched Samsung News (“Free” as working title) in the United States. Our mission was to offer a versatile and engaging news experience to Samsung Galaxy users across the country.

My role primarily involved in concept development, where I brought forward ideas and UI/UX adjustments to a user-friendly platform. My Team and i helped shape an interface that was both visually appealing and easy to navigate, accommodating various content formats like video, text, and audio.

Samsung News Launched in February 2023. It’s not just an app; it's a new way for users to engage with the world, tailored to their preferences and lifestyles. Being part of this project was a unique experience, blending innovative thinking with practical application to enhance how news is delivered and consumed in the digital age.

Art Direction
UI/UX Design
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